CALHN Allied and Scientific Health, Pharmacy and Nursing Grant
Clinical Research Grants for Allied and Scientific Health, Pharmacy and Nursing are designed to support and promote clinical research by non-medical health service staff within CALHN that will ultimately lead to improving health outcomes for patients.
CALHN HREC Submissions
Information and forms for the CALHN HREC
CALHN Research Governance Structure
This page summarises research governance structures at CALHN.
COVID Care Centre
This page contains information about CALHN's COVID care centre, located at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
This information relates to visitors attending the Royal Adelaide Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre.
COVID-19 information for CALHN staff
This section is designed to provide information and updates to CALHN staff about COVID-19.
COVID-19 positive result? What to do
This page provides information about what to do if a staff member tests positive to COVID-19.
CRIPS Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions for the CRIPS and Prof John Beltrame AM / CEO Innovation Awards
CRIPS and Prof John Beltrame AM / CEO Innovation Awards
The CALHN CEO CRIPS Grant, is an initiative to promote health services research within CALHN, to generate ideas for future federal grant applications.
- Capabilities
- Cardiology service
Cardiothoracic Service
Surgical management of a variety of adult cardiac and thoracic conditions.
Care and support
Care and support services for people who are currently admitted to RAH or recovering at home.
- Careers
Case Reports
Information on case reports for improving global health and increasing clinical understanding
Change or Cancel an Outpatient Appointment
If you need to change or cancel an outpatient appointment at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, you are able to do so via our online form.
- Chronic disease
- Chronic disease (MACS)
Clinical Genetics
The Adult Genetics Unit of the South Australian Clinical Genetics Service (SACGS) provides a state-wide service for the genetic assessment, counselling and testing of adults and their families with genetic/familial disorders.
Clinical Genetics
The Adult Genetics Unit of the South Australian Clinical Genetics Service (SACGS) provides a state-wide service for the genetic assessment, counselling and testing of adults and their families with genetic/familial disorders.
Clinical Services
The Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) provides a comprehensive range of complex care across medical, surgical, emergency, acute mental health, outpatient and diagnostic fields. It also offers a specialist acute spinal and brain injury rehabilitation service.
Clinical Trial Facilities
The CALHN Clinical Trial Centre connects research with clinical care. It is designed to meet the needs of clinical trial patients and to optimise patient flow
Clinical Trial Submissions
Information and forms for clinical trial submissions
Clinical care information, flowcharts and matrix
This page provides clinical resources and tools for CALHN staff managing COVID-19 positive patients.
Clinical services
The RAH ICU delivers a number of services to related departments including within trauma, perioperative management and ECMO. Find out more about our clinical services.
Close Contact, Staff Furloughing and Return to Work
This page contains information about what needs to happen for healthcare staff in the case of a COVID positive test or being deemed a close contact.
Colorectal surgery
The RAH Colorectal Unit is the largest tertiary referral colorectal surgical unit in South Australia, performing approximately 300 major colorectal surgical procedures and approximately 600 colonoscopic procedures per year.
Coming to / visiting hospital
Learn more about coming to RAH including visitor hours and guidelines, transport and parking, finding your way around, what to bring, plus much more.
Compliments and complaints
We're looking for feedback about your experiences with CALHN. Give us your compliments, complaints, suggestions and advice so we can provide better services to the community.
Conditions, services and clinics
The RAH offers specialist services and clinics to deliver vital healthcare to people staying in our hospital (inpatients) and to those here for an appointment or day treatment (outpatient).
Consumer Experience team
The Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) is committed to providing a safe and high quality healthcare service, which meets your expectations.
- Contact
- Contact CALHN Research Services
Contact Us
Get contact details for PARC Research directors and fill out our form for any general enquiries.
Contact information
To contact the Royal Adelaide Hospital, call the switchboard on (08) 7074 0000. Remember, in an emergency, always call 000.
- Copyright
Craniofacial surgery
Cleft and Craniofacial SA is dedicated to the humane delivery of Health care to patients with craniofacial conditions, by pursuit of excellence in the clinical, scientific and educational disciplines necessary to advance the treatment of those so affected.
Critical Care Services
RAH is South Australia's complex multi-trauma destination and centre for major emergencies, such as heart attack, stroke, or acute illness.
Consumables and aids
It is important that you remember to take all of your personal belongings with you when leaving hospital, including dental consumables and aids.