PARC Clinical Research
Learn more about the high acuity clinical trials unit at the Royal Adelaide Hospital
Pain Management Unit
The CALHN Pain Management Unit (PMU) works with people experiencing persistent pain to help improve function and increase quality of life.
Pain Management Unit
The CALHN Pain Management Unit provides a variety of services to assist patients with persistent pain to improve function and quality of life. We are based out of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital but work with patients within the metro Adelaide area, regional areas of the state and the NT.
Palliative & supportive services
We are a cohesive group of expert health professionals, focused on delivering high quality care, while helping address the complex issues that may arise with an incurable illness.
Palliative Care
Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach that strives to improve the quality of life of patients and their loved ones, facing a life limiting illness. We focus on prevention and relief of suffering by treating pain, and addressing physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs.
Parking fines
All public parking areas at the Royal Adelaide Hospital have boom gates and ticket machines installed. Before you leave the car park, you will need to pay for your ticket.
Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
At any one time, approximately 200 patients from regional, rural and remote parts of our state receive treatment at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Patient Bedside Entertainment
The bedside entertainment services at the Royal Adelaide Hospital are provided by Telstra and give patients access to a number of entertainment options on a pre-paid basis including digital television and radio channels, a range of movies on demand and internet access.
Patient and carer information
See valuable information and resources for patients and carers of the RAH ICU department.
- Patients & Visitors
Paying for your bill
If you need to pay your hospital bill, simply go to the Cashier on level 3D, which is located inside the main entrance area.
- Pelvic Mesh Clinic
Personal protective equipment
This page provides CALHN staff with information on the latest on PPE during COVID.
The Physiotherapy Department is responsible for assessment, planning and carrying out appropriate treatment programs for inpatients and outpatients at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH).
The Physiotherapy Department within the Central Adelaide Local Health Network is responsible for assessment, planning and carrying out appropriate treatment programs for inpatients and outpatients at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH).
Plastic & reconstructive surgery
The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital incorporates the Burns Unit and is a joint clinical, research and teaching facility with close links to the University of Adelaide.
The Department of Podiatry in CALHN is a specialist unit focusing on preventing foot and lower limb amputations in patients with complex medical conditions. The service provides daily inpatient and outpatient clinics at the RAH and TQEH, and regular care of inpatients at HRC.
Post Approval Monitoring and Reporting
Information and forms for progress reports, safety reports and amendments
- Privacy
All public hospitals and health units must comply with a set of Privacy Principles that regulate the way in which personal health information is collected, used, disclosed, stored and transferred.
Private and public patients
One of the important decisions you will make when coming into hospital is to decide whether you would like to be treated as a private or a public patient.
Proton therapy comparative planning
Proton therapy is now available at the Australian Bragg Centre. Find out more.
Patients at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) may see a psychologist as part of their care. Psychologists help patients understand how psychological, social and behavioural factors impact upon recovery from poor health and illness.