Wellness services
The Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) Wellness Service provides health information and works collaboratively with other RAH departments and outside organisations to increase the capacity of the community to improve their health.
Wellness services
The Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) Wellness Service provides health information and works collaboratively with other RAH departments and outside organisations to increase the capacity of the community to improve their health.
What to bring
There are certain things that you will need to bring when you come to the Royal Adelaide Hospital for a specialist clinic appointment, day procedure or overnight stay.
While you are here
Learn more about the range of facilities and amenities available during your stay at the RAH.
Who you will see and what to expect at RAH Pelvic mesh clinic
The Pelvic Mesh Clinic, located at the Royal Adelaide Hospital(RAH), aims to provide comprehensive multidisciplinary health care for all South Australian women experiencing major complications related to pelvic mesh implants.
Women's health conditions
The Royal Adelaide Hospital provides a wide range of care to the women of South Australia, New South Wales and the Northern Territory.
Working at the RAH
The Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) is one of Australia’s most advanced healthcare facilities, integrating the latest innovations across health, education and research to deliver high-quality care.