Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Orthotic and Prosthetic (O&P) services deliver patient centred management across the continuum of care. The service is committed to a high quality service through ongoing staff development, appraisal, teaching, clinical research and adherence to evidence based practice.
An orthosis is an externally applied device used to modify the structural or functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and skeletal systems. An orthosis is the true term for a brace or appliance that is designed and fitted external to the body in order to control or alter biomechanical alignment, protect and support a healing injury, assist rehabilitation, reduce pain, increase mobility and/or increase independence.
A prosthesis is an artificial device attached or applied to the body to replace a missing part (such as an arm or leg following amputation).
Orthotic and prosthetic services
CALHN O&P services are available through the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH), The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH), Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (HRC), Day Rehabilitation Service (DRS) and State wide services – SA Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service and SA Spinal Cord Injury Service. Outreach services are provided to the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN).
The service plays a crucial role in the treatment of inpatients at CALHN sites and aims to assist in early stabilisation and mobilisation of these patients. In addition a comprehensive outpatient service is offered at TQEH with limited outpatient appointments available at the RAH. For more information please view the Orthotics and prosthetics outpatient service in CALHN web page.
The Prosthetic and Orthotics service provides the following:
Acute prosthetic rehabilitation – including pre-surgery consultation, immediate post-operative care and peer support.
Interim prosthetic program – provides new amputees with fitting of their first prosthetic limb, walking training and education as either in an inpatient at HRC or as an outpatient attending the Day rehabilitation service at TQEH. This service is delivered in a multi-disciplinary environment alongside other health professionals.
Definitive prosthetic program – our program delivers lifelong prosthetic services for amputees living in the community with rapid access to other allied health, medical and nursing disciplines as required.
Amputee clinic – our amputee clinic is held on Monday morning and Thursday morning at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital site. This clinic provides prosthetic and medical review for amputees to ensure their prosthesis is working well and enabling early identification of any adjustments/maintenance that may be required.
Orthotic inpatient services – we provide orthotic management for inpatients at the RAH, TQEH and HRC where it is required as part of their hospital stay.
Orthotic outpatient services – we provide orthotic management for people living in the community. Orthotic services include assessment and the provision of a device for the management of trauma and injury, diabetic foot conditions, burns and other neurological and musculoskeletal conditions.
Appointments at RAH
Outpatient Department clinics are held in Level 3F, RAH, Port Road
Clinics operate Monday – Friday with dedicated appointments each day for rapid access which includes urgent presentations for patients which require fracture management, urgent repairs and wound breakdown assessment.
Please refer to the information sheets below for information regarding the outpatient service.
- Specialist outpatient clinics FAQs (PDF 245KB)
- Outpatient clinic appointments - patient information and responsibilities (PDF 256KB)