The Central and Northern Renal and Transplantation Service (CNARTS) provides inpatient and outpatient services for patients living in the Central Adelaide Local Health (CALHN) Network and Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN) areas, as well as regional and remote South Australia, Northern Territory and NSW.
CNARTS is one of Australia’s largest renal units, providing specialist nephrology, dialysis treatment and transplant services.
Our service provides medical, nursing and allied health expertise for:
- all stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- home and unit based dialysis
- kidney, pancreas and islet transplant
- conservative care
- young adult transition care
- obstetric nephrology care
- surgical management of renal patients.
Find out everything you need to know about our services and service locations, dialysis information and support, referrals, contacting our clinical teams, details of our nephrologists and surgeons, as well as their locations, transplantation information and our research work:
Central and Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplantation Services (CNARTS) | SA Health