All Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) grant applications must be registered with CALHN Research Services.
Once a grant has been awarded, CALHN Research Services will assist and advise the researcher regarding post-grant approval processes and ethics and governance applications which must be completed prior to a project commencing.
If any funds are paid to or from CALHN a research agreement must be in place. Please contact CALHN Research Services to discuss.
If you are thinking of applying for any of the currently open MRFF, NHMRC or any other Grant Opportunities, please email with the completed CALHN GRANT Notification of Intention to Apply Form so the Research Grants Team can assist and support you with your application and CALHN requirements.
This applies to all;
- CALHN employees applying through one of the Universities as the CIA.
- CALHN employees named as a Chief Investigator (CI) or Associate Investigator (AI) on a grant application (being submitted by an external institution) providing intellectual input only (no participant recruitment data and/or samples from CALHN) – in-kind or paid time.
- CALHN employees named as a CI or AI on a grant application (being submitted by an external institution) and where CALHN is providing participant recruitment (staff or patient, data and/or samples) and/or undertaking any of the “Research Activity” at CALHN or by CALHN staff.
- Clinical Academics (with a Clinical position at CALHN) applying through one of the Universities as CIA or named as an investigator on the grant being submitted by an external Institution and the project is based at a CALHN site and or recruiting CALHN patients, using CALHN data, staff etc (CALHN is undertaking part of the “Research Activity”)
In the instance that one of the Universities is acting as the Administering Institution for your grant applications, it is expected that the CALHN Applicants still follow the below process, before CALHN provides the university with the Institutional Endorsement. All documentation should be sent to the CALHN Research Grants Team for review.
- Provide a full set of the Final Application documents, which should include a full budget (including costings for any Pharmacy, medical tests that are outside of the standard of care, pathology services quote using the FOR-1928, IT services – including data extraction etc)
- Provide email endorsement/support from all relevant CALHN Program(s) where the study will be conducted, including;
- the Clinical Program Director (must include support of any in-kind contributions by the CALHN investigators); and
- the Medical / Allied Heath / Nursing Lead (depending on the type of study – i.e. if Medical, Allied Health or Nursing.)
- Digital Health (if applicable)
- Pharmacy (if applicable)
- SA Pathology (pathology services quote using the FOR-1928 – if applicable)
- Provide budget costings for all work to be undertaken by CALHN (either from Research Finance Team or your Program Business Manager – must include costing of any in-kind contributions (FTE or Goods/Services, access to data through Digital Health, CALHN Pharmacy costs, tests, scans, that are all outside of the normal standard of care).
- If the application is for NHMRC and MRFF via Sapphire, Central Adelaide Local Health Network must be listed as a Participating Institution and the CALHN investigators “Actual Institution” – this should not be RAH, TQEH, SA Pathology etc.
- For MRFF grants that require a “Letter of Support”, these must be drafted by the CALHN CIs on the CALHN LoS template.
- Formal Institutional sign off of the Application (or signing the LoS) can only be done by an appropriate CALHN delegate (as per the Financial Delegation of Authority) – this will be facilitated by the CALHN Research Grants Team once all the required documents have been received.