All Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Grant Applications and Agreements must be registered with CALHN Research Services.
Grant Applications and Agreements can be registered for clinical research projects or projects that routinely collect health data or utilise CALHN resources. These projects require review to ensure the project’s feasibility, availability of resources, alignment with CALHN priorities, clinical and practical relevance and importance to patient care.
1. Researcher completes the Notification of Intention to Apply Form (NIA) well before submission
2. Researcher submits copies of all application documents:
✓ Completed NIA
✓ Endorsements from the relevant CALHN authorities (via the signed NIAF or email is sufficient) including:
• Clinical Program Director (must confirm in-kind contributions) AND
• Medical/Nursing/Allied Health Lead (based on study type)
• Digital Health (if data access/platform is required)
• Pharmacy, SA Pathology and other Statewide Services (if applicable)
✓ Application documents (Application Report, Application Summary and Project Proposal) including:
• A complete budget covering all research-related costs such as Pharmacy, Pathology, IT services.
• CALHN-related work including in-kind contributions and research finance approval.
✓ If applicable please advise about:
• compliance requirements (i.e., animal, human ethics required)
• SA Pathology service quote (FOR-1928)
✓ If required by the funding body, provide a draft of the Letter of Support, see below dropdown.
3. CALHN Research Grants Team Provides Confirmation of Support or Required Supporting Documents
Such as but not limited to: Email Confirmation of Support, Letter of Support, Evidence of Commitment and CALHN employment, Facilities Letters
Please note, CALHN will send a Withdrawal of Support in the event that the required endorsements are not obtained prior to application.
Contact the CALHN Research Grants Team at for further guidance.